When Future Plans Don’t Happen, Can Failure Be an Act of Kindness?
Guest post by Christiana Peterson. When art is your career, it is easy to lose sight of the reasons for creating in the first place. When the art you love becomes enmeshed with publishing, promoting, money, marketing, and trying to sell yourself in order to sell your work, it can be a messy weaving that becomes difficult to untangle.
A Star Walked in the Sky: the 1st Sunday of Epiphany 2023
Reflection, scripture, and works of art for the first Sunday of Epiphany. Christ comes into our lives as light itself, without fanfare: quietly, unexpectedly, in weakness, right into our disarray. Light has come into our humanity, showing us a new way to be human.
Creativity Sapped? Try These 5 Things
Creative bursts come, and I believe they can for you too. Many activities labelled self-care double as artistic practice. Check out these five creativity restoring activities and fill up your tank again.