A Blessing for a New Season
I am an Easter disciple.
A beloved child of the King of the Universe.
I belong to an ancient people of new birth.
How Can We Know the Way Through? A Poem
A meditation on John 14 :1-7
Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?”
There is a path I can sometimes see in early morns or closing nights
When suns exit and enter,
This Time of Lovingkindness
Somehow the passing cars and the power lines get lost in the color and form, and they matter not. This is gift. God himself beckons.
2019: Blessing the Year I Wanted to Forget
The tensions and irreconcilable juxtapositions have purpose. Sometimes we receive glimpses of their gifts, but even if you never see their goodnesses this side of eternity, they do exist. Here’s my tribute to a year that could have taken me under, but I choose to see it for what it is on the flip side: blessing.