The Creative and Free Podcast
Where creative hearts come fully alive to the pursuit of joy
Meditation—Josh Banner: Alive to Resurrection Hope [Eps 19]
How am I using my creative capacities to know God? Am I living in resurrected life? Josh Banner, spiritual director and creator of the Invitation Podcast, leads a lectio divina style meditation based on Phillipians 3:10, “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death” (NKJV).
Josh Banner—Stay Alive to God Part 2 [Eps 18]
Josh Banner is a spiritual director and host of the Invitation Podcast. This is part two of our deep dive interview. We discuss spiritual direction, how contemplative prayer helped him have more fun, and ways to find deep rest in things you are already doing.