The Creative and Free Podcast
Where creative hearts come fully alive to the pursuit of joy
Meditation—Josh Banner: Alive to Resurrection Hope [Eps 19]
How am I using my creative capacities to know God? Am I living in resurrected life? Josh Banner, spiritual director and creator of the Invitation Podcast, leads a lectio divina style meditation based on Phillipians 3:10, “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death” (NKJV).
Write a Letter to Your Pain [Eps 16]
“2020: I wouldn’t recommend.” Have you seen the t-shirts? It’s funny and true but 2020 has something deep and meaningful to teach us. Pain is not in itself inherently bad or evil. Pain is a signal that something needs mending.
A Meditation: Say Your Suffering and Bless It [Eps 15]
Blessing changes our experience. Liturgy gives voice to groanings and prayer we don’t have the words to say. This episode is a meditation with readings of blessing for today’s struggles of pandemic and injustice.