God can be found in your life: in the paradox of new beginnings and letting go
In transitions, it's easy to compartmentalize our feelings, ignore them altogether, or dwell on how we want things to be, rather than accepting the discomfort of a new state of being. In the unexpected or unpredictable, can we find God in the paradox of new beginnings and letting go? I believe we can.
When I reflect on the Advent/Christmas season, I hate---or should I say loathe---and love many aspects of this time.
From Burned to Belonging: Reclaiming Wholeness after Life’s Heartaches Through Christocentric Community
Even if we stay in Christian community, like I did, healing can take years. Sadly, that feeling of not belonging still runs deep in my veins.
However, the feeling also developed into a blue hot flame like the one that once burned my arm. It now fires in my soul every day.
A maple-flavored soul care plan
Souls are weary. But not my four quiet maples lit up like autumn campfires. They stand solid, silent, striking. My trees hold a clever model for caring soul care through connection, rhythm, and rootedness.
A Letter to Grief: Comfort Can Come from Writing through Tough Emotions
Guest post by Kate Motaung.
Dear Grief,
I shudder to refer to you as “dear.” Yet you have been with me for so long that you have become a part of me, which I suppose entitles you to this term of affection, though my heart grants it unwillingly. You are an enigmatic and elusive creature
A Star Walked in the Sky: the 1st Sunday of Epiphany 2023
Reflection, scripture, and works of art for the first Sunday of Epiphany. Christ comes into our lives as light itself, without fanfare: quietly, unexpectedly, in weakness, right into our disarray. Light has come into our humanity, showing us a new way to be human.