When You See Yourself as Beloved: A Simple Way to Practice Compassion
In Henri Nouwen's book, the Life of the Beloved, he invites the reader to explore and ultimately claim a new identity: that of the beloved. This mantle has the power to upend the need to achieve, banish internal competency questions, and bless the world around us because we are secure in who Christ says we are.
At various times over the past few years, I’ve been invited to pen a Beloved Charter. This is a letter from God to me, choosing and naming me as His own.
It’s a fairly simple practice.
First, look up Bible verses that are expressive for you of the way God values your life. How does God see you? Write the verses and phrases that are especially meaningful for you.
Then arrange those verses into a meaningful personal charter that expresses the things God is saying directly to you about your belovedness.
Some Tips
The very first word of your charter should be your own name, so that the entire thing is addressed to you.
You’ll need to do some careful translation with any passages that are not already phrased as direct address from God … i.e., you might translate the first portion of John 3:16 into: “For I so loved you that I sent you my only beloved son …”
Don’t try to put every single meaningful idea into the charter, just the words from God you are currently finding the most compelling. Your whole charter will likely be 4-6 sentences. If you find this exercise helpful, you can always revise your charter over time as different verses attract your attention. I gathered several verses, using them as inspiration to draft my charter.
My Beloved Charter
Dear Christina,
You are my beloved one. I will strengthen you when you fear. I will be with you as your God, so do not dismay. I will help you and hold you up with my powerful, holy, just hand. I have empowered you with my divine strength and have granted all things alive and Godly through my own knowledge, which enables me to call you to my glory and excellence. I am able to do far more, abundantly so, beyond all you ask or think.I am within you, and so is my power. You are not just a servant, but my friend, and everything I hear from my Father I have told you and made available to you. My banner over you is love. Draw near in all confidence to my grace throne and receive mercy and grace in whatever you need.
Living as One Radically Loved
After writing a charter, consider doing this:
Picture the risen Christ sitting alongside you, speaking these words to you. Ask the Holy Spirit to press home the message of your own belovedness. Notice your own inner responses (including places you feel resistant) and share them with God.As you become increasingly convinced of your own belovedness, ask God to show the belovedness of everyone else you encounter as well. Practice mentally applying your Beloved Charter not only to yourself, but also to each person you encounter. -Drafting a Beloved Charter, Renovare Book Club, Renovare.org, January 2017.
The power of such a letter consists of internalizing it each day so it transforms how we engage with the world. My hope is it enables me to see others for who they truly are and love them each as Christ does too, as beloved.
“Define yourself radically as one beloved by God. This is the true self. Every other identity is illusion.”― Brennan Manning, Abba's Child: The Cry of the Heart for Intimate Belonging
Go Deeper
Check out Discovering Our Spiritual Identity: Practices for God's Beloved by Trevor Hudson.
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