5 ways to bring your whole self, feelings and all, to God during Lent instead of numbing out

Our family sat in a therapy session not long ago. “Yes, we are all feelers,” we confessed in so many words. If you're like me then you may be feeling all the feels this week too---the Ukraine, Lent, covid, and all the normal stuff. I've felt utterly helpless, then supernaturally hopeful.

As I consider my dust-ness in life and death and the lives of others in joy and sorrow during Lent, these days are truly a “bright sadness.”

These past few days I've fought the urge (and sometimes caved) to get lost in scrolling or schoolwork. What I notice is how easy it is to disconnect my head from my heart, because then I don't have to feel. There are so many ways to numb out: food, screens, and especially forgetfulness.

But we are a people called to remember. We are a people called to integration. We are a people called to feel, think, and then move.

As artist-leaders who follow the most High God, we have a unique skill set to react to this time and season in 5 ways:

  1. Pray.

  2. Lament.

  3. Give.

  4. Respond within our medium, our craft.

  5. Be alive.

Pray. For leaders to listen and be advocates for nothing less than peace. For mothers and children as they flee. For fathers as they defend. For those injured and those in harm's way.

Lament. Cry out to God for all that is wrong in the world. He hears. He weeps with us. He comforts.

Give. Provide a bulletproof helmet, vest, or bedroll to a refugee through a place like Mercy House Global. Do you know of an aid organization? Give and ask a friend to give with you.

Respond. If you have a pen, then write. A body, then dance. Influence, then lead. We have the privilege to respond with our unique way of seeing the world through our craft. People will see and be moved to pray and help too.

Be alive. This one is the toughest I think. Lent does not call us to be extra strict but to live in God's abundant, ever-alive kingdom. We bring all of ourselves, especially the joy-hungry parts, to God. Ask Him where He wants you to join Him in presence and practice.

Don't scroll or stuff.

Whatever you do, don't forget.

Go ahead. Feel your feelings.

May they be a launching pad for rocket-prayers to punch holes in the dark.

May they propel your hands to help.

May they direct your spirit to respond in beauty and justice.

May you be alive in Christ---every fiber of you, beloved one.

All my love,


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