Does Noticing Feel Like a Waste of Time?
I always feel a major shift at this time of year: an invitation to notice, to wake up, to gather the good into a bouquet and give it away. Let's get back to small.
Spiritual disciplines: how to stop racing through them and relax into God
Practicing spiritual disciplines like prayer, solitude, and unplugging can easily feel like needing to reach a super-high level of holiness or faith, to get it right, or to find that one perfect practice.
When You See Yourself as Beloved: A Simple Way to Practice Compassion
At various times over the past few years, I’ve been invited to pen a Beloved Charter. This is a letter from God to me, choosing and naming me as His own. It’s a simple way to practice compassion toward myself and others.
We Can Find Peace in the Tension
In the tension of racial injustice and pandemic, it’s important to curate places of peace.
The kind that stills.
The kind that heals.
What We Learn in New Spaces
I asked one of my podcast interviews what he was learning about himself yesterday and he turned the tables on me, “What about you?”
Oh, me? I think I said something about living life more slowly. Yet the question sticks with me.
Let’s go deeper. What am I learning about myself? About how I operate in the world? About how I relate to others?
Podcast Is Here + On Pause: an art series for this time of isolation
The podcast is live! I made this show to help creative people like you come fully alive to the pursuit of joy. Here are a few episodes all ready for your listening pleasure.
Pain, Hope, and the Other Four-Letter Word
Pain. Hope. To marry the two can seem almost profane. To reconcile these realities, Isaiah 40 offers help.